Contact for Help

Please note that we don’t offer a drop in service. You can phone or email us for help and here is the information on how to do that. Please don’t call at our offices as we won’t be able to help you there…For millions of people in the UK, the cost-of-living crisis is putting them through a nightmare they never thought they’d experience.  People struggling the most are having to choose whether to eat or heat their homes – many can’t afford to do eitherOur trained staff and volunteers are working flat out to help people. But we know there are a lot of people out there who find it difficult to get through to us and we are really sorry if that applies to you .Whether you phone or email us, please be polite to our team who are here to help you. Thank you.

Our phone lines are always busy so you might find it quicker to email ... we hope this helps

You can now book a time for us to phone you on Monday and Tuesday each week. If you would like to do this, please see the booking schedule below. You will need to give us your name, address, phone number and email address and also let us know what you want to talk to us about – for example, welfare benefits, debts, housing, work, legal issues, family issues etc.

If there are no available slots for you then please phone us on 02031660953   and leave your name and phone number and we will call you back as soon as we can.

We know there are a lot of people out there who find it difficult to get through to us and we are really sorry if that applies to you – if we are not able to help you, hopefully the agencies in the list below will be able to help..

Please click the button on the right for other agencies that may be able to help

Help when CA Kingston not available